The Geneva Convention of the 28th July 1951 relating to the status of refugees was drafted in a very particular context, just after the Second World War. However, it remains today an essential instrument for the international protection of refugees.
This convention could seem out of date, given the new challenges created by the recent forced movement of the population. However, the principles and rights it set forth still participate today in the emergence of an international law on refugees, which itself influences both European and domestic laws.
This is why it is necessary to design a tool that can help people better understand this convention and have access to an important Database on Refugee Law.
The comments on the provisions of the Convention that you will find on this website have been written by the members of the Centre de recherche et de documentation européennes et internationales (European and International Research and Documentation Centre, CRDEI), most of them being academics or PhD students.
This website was created as a part of a larger project dedicated to refugees and the Geneva Convention of the 28th July 1951. Co-funded by the Aquitaine Region, it will also include seminars, conferences and various publications.
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Equipe de direction
Anne-Marie Tournepiche
Professeur de droit public
Catherine Gauthier
Maître de conférences de droit public
Justine Castillo
Doctorante du CRDEI
Mohammad Sharififard
Doctorant du CRDEI
Héloïse Gicquel
Docteur du CRDEI
Florence Quéré
Gestion pilotage du CRDEI